Core services.

Microsimulation Modelling

This specialism is at the heart of transport planning, focusing on the detailed simulation of the movement of people. It involves creating intricate models that capture the behaviour of all transport modes, including motorised private vehicles, public transport, cyclists, and pedestrians. Our team of experts uses advanced mathematical models to ensure the accuracy and realism of these simulations.

Deterministic Modelling

This area of expertise involves the creation of simplified models to analyse junctions in transport networks. These models, while less visually complex, provide valuable insights into traffic flow and can be used to optimise various aspects of transport planning.

Scheme Visualisation

This service involves the creation of high-quality 3D visualisations of transport networks. These visualisations provide a detailed and realistic representation of various transport modes and pedestrian movements, as well as the surrounding street scenes. They serve as a powerful tool for understanding and communicating complex transport scenarios to key stakeholders.

Additional services.

Strategic Tactical Modelling

This specialism involves creating large-scale, mathematical models of entire regions. These models provide a comprehensive overview of transport networks and are used to analyse and assess the impact of various developments and schemes on a strategic level.

Signal Design & Assessment

This specialism focuses on the design and engineering of traffic signals. It involves the use of cspecialist software tools to create detailed plans for traffic signal systems. These plans are then used to optimise traffic flow at junctions and improve overall network performance.